Monday, November 16, 2009

My hair stylist put blond highlights in my hair, help please?

They turned out "chunky" or "stripey"! Isn't that out of style??? Any celebs with hair like this? How can I fix it easily?

My hair stylist put blond highlights in my hair, help please?

Heavy highlights are really not "in" right now but it is your hair, if you like it it shouldn't matter what anyone thinks. Aside from that always remember you paid that stylist to do that to your hair, again it is your hair they have a liability to fix it and give you what you want. If the stylist knows what they are doing it's easily fixable. You can have low lights put in to correct the heavy highlight. Good luck!

My hair stylist put blond highlights in my hair, help please?

Depends on your definition of easily. Shaving your head would cure it.

If you don't like the way your hair looks, either deal with it, or ask your stylist to fix it somehow. Could always dye it, right? Maybe you could have your stylist put a different color of highlights over the "chunky" part to give yourself a new look. Ask the stylist.

On a side note, try not to be TOO concerned with how you look. It's a huge turn off when someone is too shallow.

My hair stylist put blond highlights in my hair, help please?

girl if you don't like it, it is easily fixed by going back to the salon.some people like it even celebs.maybe not the really famous household names but some.

My hair stylist put blond highlights in my hair, help please?

dye your hair to a different colour

My hair stylist put blond highlights in my hair, help please?

like oh my god...!! the world is at a stand still cause i look like a blonde albino skunk...oh my god im just gonna DIE!!!! the world a favor and make my dreams come true...

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