Monday, November 16, 2009

Bleach highlights to black hair?

Okay, so my hair is naturally a strawberry like blonde. I had it highlighed blonde about 3 or more months ago but now i want to die it all black. I was wondering if I would have any problems like my hair turning green or something because i really want to drop the blonde and go to black. Is there a process i should go throught to get my hair black?

Bleach highlights to black hair?

Yes, you should go to a professional salon. When you begin messing with color at home strange and unexpected things can happen! Remember it is always cheaper to get it done right the first time, then pay 3x's a much to fix it!!!

Bleach highlights to black hair?

Better ask a professional....

Bleach highlights to black hair?

No but once you die it black you are going to have to let the black grow out because nothing will die hair from black to another color.

Bleach highlights to black hair?

i'm most definitely not an expert, but if i were in your place then i would go to a hairdresser/salon, and ask the people who work there. they would probably be able to give you the best advice for dropping the blonde and going black. good luck!

Bleach highlights to black hair?

Getting hair dark is 100 times easier than getting it light. Avoid blacks made with a blue base because it CAN give your a blue hue to it. Just beware that if you want your hair blonde again, then you're going to need a lot of time and money.

Bleach highlights to black hair?

There shouldn't be any problems - it's easier to go light-to-dark than dark-to-light. Just use standard hair dye or go to the beautician. They'll know what can and can't be done safely, that's their job.

Bleach highlights to black hair?

After waiting 3 or 4 months you should be able to just get a black hair color and go for it.... just be careful not to get in a chlorinated pool... mine turned green on the ends once after coloring.

Bleach highlights to black hair?

No black is the root of all colors so you can just go black and be fine.

Bleach highlights to black hair?

You can't fight your natural skin tone. Black hair on someone who is naturally strawberry blond is going to look really scary.

Bleach highlights to black hair?

I had the exact smae hair color and now my hair is black and at at my chin and choppy in the back for spiking [but im growing it out] its fine! it'll be a shoker and might wash you out but it looked good on me, i'd say go for it, nothing bad will happen just deep condtion to keep it healthy!

Bleach highlights to black hair?

It will not go green for awhile when the die starts changing colors like from pools to whatever, it will start going green but blonde has no pigment so it is really hard for it to hold color

Bleach highlights to black hair?

I'm also a strawberry blonde, and a couple years ago i died the tips black. It kinda damaged the ends of my hair, and when i didn't want it anymore i had to cut it off. So if u really want black go for it... but its realy un healthy. Just make sure you think about ur decision, because you won't be able to change your hair again.

Bleach highlights to black hair?

You do not want to go BLACK trust me...Once you dye it'll stay like that for a long long long time...If you really need darker hair ...maybe dark brown with light brown highlights??

Bleach highlights to black hair?

i worked in a professional salon for many years, and i can positively tell you this. there is absolutely no way in the world to dye black hair a different color. the only possible way EVER to get rid of dyed black hair is for it to grow out or fade to a yucky gray color. you can probably color over it then, but it might be ugly. keep in mind that this only applies to BLACK hair. if you dye your hair almost black with a mahogany tint, you wont have to worry about it turning green, as it would only do so if it was an ash tint or if it faded. basically its way too scary and you should never ever ever dye your hair BLACK. i have naturally blonde hair, and i died my hair black plum. i didnt have much trouble since it wasnt actually black black.

*IMPORTANT* dark colored hair will fade very easily, especially since your natural color is light. its very very important that you use a color protecting shampoo, such as kiwi coloreflicter by artec, and ONLY wash your hair in COLD water. this will save your hair color by months. hope this helps!!

Bleach highlights to black hair?

From experience I have dyed my hair black but my hair was dark brown. For you I suggest that you don't go dying your hair black right away. You may want to dye your hair by steps not go directly to black hair. The chemicals in the black hair dye can really damage your hair and can take a while for it to come out even if you use a semi-permanent dye especially if you want your natural color back or dye it back to it's almost natural color can be difficult. But if you want to take a risk and try something darker than your natural hair color try a dark-brown almost black but not black. Just go in steps to see if you actually like it.

Bleach highlights to black hair?

DONT die your hair black... like someone mentioned, first your skin tone. Might not look good. Secondly, if you DO, the ONLY ways you can get your hair back to natural, if its

A. You patiently let your hair grow back and cut your hair till it grows out.

B. You could bleach your hair, which is REALLY bad for your hair.

So over all, I wouldn't do it. Like other suggested, do some brown highlights or something first. But I wouldnt go black what so ever

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